CXO level hiring. Undoubtedly, the drastic changes at the top management do affect overall organizational operations. And many times it makes a detrimental impact on productivity and short-term profitability shakes the confidence of customers, investors .also this can lead to loss of key talent in organization These effects can be multifold if he is celeb CEO. Like we witnessed 30 go air pilot’s resigned after CEO exit, Reliance Life has taken some hits last financial year when Anup Rau resigned. Sometimes Celeb CEO exit may even effect various cos like ripples were there in some startups when Nikesh Arora resigned. High-profile departures remained a very frequent activity in the start-up ecosystem in India this year. in case of start-up brand equity of the company is mostly dependent on Celeb CEO. When the CEO resigns for reasons unrelated to the business, especially unseemly ones, we can expect some serious financial hurt. In t he current volatile economic ...